Gasoline and diesel fuel measurement

A low-flow flow meter to cover the wide-range of automotive testing applications

Meter Features:

- Compact and portable, ideal for over-the-road testing
- Not affected by vibration
- Immediate response to flow changes
- 1000+ pulse/cc resolution for idle to full throttle measurement

high resolution meter for fuel measurement            wide flow range meter for fuel measurement                      vapor eliminator and recirculation tank for fuel measurement

 Model P001 to 200 cc/min       Model P213 to 1800 cc/min         Model 370 Recirculation tanks and vapor eliminators

Read more below:

The automotive and transportation industries rely on Max flow meters for gasoline and diesel fuel measurement. With their high resolution, +/-0.2% linearization and low flow rate accuracy Max Meters are the leading choice for both dynamometer and over-the-road testing. The Max Model P213 flow meter is our most popular gasoline and diesel flow meter offering 1000+ pulses per ml. As a positive displacement device, all of the flow is detected and reported, regardless of how low a flow rate you need to measure.

Positive Displacement meters are not sensitive to changes in flow profile, fluid density or viscosity. So the same flow meter is appropriate for gasoline, diesel fuel, any methanol or ethanol blend and can also be used for Viscor (calibration fluid). The Model P213’s rugged, compact design makes it possible to collect both over-the-road data and your test stand measurements with the same sensor. Theoretical results and correlations are not required when you use the same flow meter in both environments.

Fuel consumption continues to be a primary measure of success in automotive improvements through vehicle testing. Better tire designs, ignition control, transmission shift points or a hundred other CAFE improvements must be proven through the accurate measurement of a small amount of liquid flow. To verify product performance and evaluate engineering improvements requires a flow meter which can resolve the total flow to better than 1/100th of a milliliter.

Max equipment specified

The Model P213 Piston type meter (3000 psi rated) and the Model P001 (7250 psi rated) offer a 1000 or 12,000 pulse/ml resolution which exceeds the resolution available from any other meter. With such a high pulse count per milliliter, these Max meters can accurately measure the idle speed fuel consumption of a single cylinder engine like those used on leaf blowers, chain saws or outboard motors. Auxiliary equipment also available from Max includes; vapor eliminators to ensure a bubble free fuel supply and recirculation tanks for the highest possible accuracy in a recirculating fuel system.

Max Flow Meters are uniquely suited to the wide range of fuel flow measurement rates. To refine the components and systems used in the next generation of automobiles and trucks, industry leaders are turning to Max flow meters for flow accuracy that will give them the edge. If you have a similar project, please ask for a quote.

“We love your devices, they're awesome”

–Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Who's using Max flow meters?:


Products Specified for this Application

High resolution, low flow meter Model P001
0.005 to 200 cc/min (0 to 0.053 gpm)...Combined with our highest, 500 bar (7250 psi) pressure rating
Precision low flow meter Model P213
0.5 to 1800 cc/min (0 to 0.48 gpm) with a 210 bar (3000 psi) pressure rating
Diesel fuel testing equipment
Fuel recirculation tanks for measurement system development